Saturday, 13 April 2019

Entry 1 : April 2019

I did it again.

I promised myself to not to peek at yours (and her's) photo. I promised myself to not get hurt again. I promised myself to stop looking over her facebook and instagram.

But I broke my promises.

And here I am; again.. feeling small and helpless.

She's good. She's pretty, she's brilliant.
Who am I compares to her?

I'm no one.
I feel like a dwarf. Small and tiny.

I want to be good as her.
I want to be better. I wish I could be better.
I wish someday you would tell me that I am  the greatest thing happened to you and I am way better than anyone else.

I promise you would proud of me the way you proud of her.

So for now Dewi,
Get yourself together.

Isn't that beautiful?

I was at my hometown when the Ministry announced that the country applied the RMO in our country nationwide. It fit the purpose and in ...